Stefan Fröhlich


Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing.
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Graduated in 2009 in Mechanical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing., comparable to the M.Eng./M.Sc) from the RWTH Aachen University specializing in Production Technology/Manufacturing Technology and graduated in 2010 in Economics (Dipl.-Wirt. Ing., comparable to the MBA) from the RWTH Aachen University.

He entered the profession of protecting intellectual property in 2010.

Moser Götze & Partner
Patentanwälte mbB
Paul-Klinger-Straße 9
45127 Essen

telephone:  0201 95972 – 0
facsimile: 0201 95972 – 211